Addiction Treatment and Your Health Coverage Addiction was not truly considered a diagnosable and treatable mental illness by the U.S. medical community until about forty years ago. And while we no longer see an addict’s need to use as a failing in good judgment, stigmas still cloud the public image of people who need specialized substance abuse treatment to stop.…


The Mindful Revolution

By Kate Picker TIME, Monday, Feb. 03, 2014 The raisins sitting in my sweaty palm are getting stickier by the minute. They don’t look particularly appealing, but when instructed by my teacher, I take one in my fingers and examine it. I notice that the raisin’s skin glistens. Looking closer, I see a small indentation…


The Role of Faith in Recovery

By John Newport Ph.D. Counselor Magazine2014/Jan-Feb. Faith in a beneficent higher power, a power greater than all of us, is a basic cornerstone of all Twelve Step recovery programs. Indeed, faith and its application is an explicit theme running throughout the Twelve Steps of AA, NA, and other programs. Specifically, Step Two states that we…


In Defense of the 12 Steps: What Science Really Tells Us about Addiction

Last week, Radio Boston featured an interview with Dr. Lance Dodes, author of “The Sober Truth: Debunking the Bad Science Behind 12-Step Programs and the Rehab Industry.” Here, two Harvard Medical School professors of psychiatry respond, arguing that Dr. Dodes misrepresents the evidence and that 12-step programs have among the strongest scientific underpinnings of any…


A Guide to Alcohol Abuse and Recovery

By Michelle ConwayMorningside Recovery Alcohol is one of the most popular recreational drugs available in the United States. Alcoholism and alcohol abuse occur when an individual drinks excessive amounts on a regular basis. Several factors play a role in the development of alcohol dependency, including one’s genetics, social environment, emotional health, and early childhood discipline.…
