In 2007 more than 8,000 A.A. members from the U.S. and Canada participated in a random survey of the membership. Similar studies have been conducted every three
years since 1968 by the General Service Office. Alcoholics Anonymous conducts this survey to keep members informed on current trends in membership characteristics. The survey also provides information about A.A. to the professional community and to the general public.
Ages of Members
Under age 21 | 2.3% |
Age 21 through 30 | 11.3% |
Age 31 through 40 | 16.5% |
Age 41 through 50 | 28.5% |
Age 51 through 60 | 23.8% |
Age 61 through 70 | 12.3% |
Over 70 | 5.3% |
The average age of an A.A. member is 47 years.
Composition of Membership
White | 85.1% |
Black | 5.7% |
Hispanic | 4.8% |
Native American | 1.6% |
Asian and other | 2.8% |
Gender of Membership
Men 67%
Women 33%
Marital Status of Members
Married | 35% |
Single | 34% |
Divorced | 23% |
Other | 8% |
Length of Sobriety
Sober between 5-10 years | 12% |
Sober more than 10 years | 33% |
Sober between 1–5 years | 24% |
Sober less than 1 year | 31% |
Average sobriety of members is more than eight years.
Introduction to A.A.
Factors most responsible for members coming to A.A. (two responses permitted– total responses may add up to more than 100%).
Through an A.A. member | 33% |
Treatment facility | 33% |
Self-motivated | 31% |
Family | 24% |
Court order | 11% |
Counseling agency | 8% |
Health Professional | 7% |
Employer or fellow worker | 4% |
Non-A.A. friend or neighbor | 3% |
Correctional facility | 3% |
Al-Anon or Alateen member | 2% |
A.A. literature | 2% |
Media | 1% |
Member of clergy | 1% |
Internet | 1% |
Other | 7% |
79% of members have a sponsor.
73% got a sponsor within 90 days.
Meeting Attendance
Members attend an average of 2.4 A.A. meetings per week.
Members’ Occupations
Retired | 16% |
Self-employed/Other | 11% |
Manager/Administrator | 10% |
Professional/Technical | 10% |
Skilled Trade | 8% |
Unemployed | 8% |
Laborer | 6% |
Health professional | 5% |
Disabled (not working) | 5% |
Sales worker | 4% |
Student | 4% |
Service worker | 3% |
Educator | 3% |
Clerical Worker | 2% |
Homemaker | 2% |
Transportation (equip. oper.) | 2% |
Craft worker | 1% |
The contents of this web-page is available from G.S.O.; A.A. World Services, New York, NY 10163.