Book Review: The Recovering

Intoxication and Its Aftermath By Leslie Jamison When Leslie Jamison was a student at the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop, she fell in love with the myth of the alcoholic writer: the myth that liquor fed, not poisoned, great writing. By getting drunk in the same Iowa City bars as 20th-century alcoholic literary giants — John…


Book Review: If You Love Me – A Mother’s Jourmey through her Daughter’s Opioid Addiction

By Maureen Cavanagh  When Maureen Cavanagh, a hardworking small-business owner and resident of the charming, historic town of Marblehead, Mass., clicked on a link to a Salem News story headlined “Marblehead Honor Student Arrested for Prostitution,” her first thought was: “How sad. How very sad.” As she read further, however, her feelings turned to horror.…


My Relationships with White Bison Founder Don Coyhis and with the Native American Wellbriety Movement

by Bill White  My relationships with White Bison founder Don Coyhis and with the Native American Wellbriety Movement are among the most important influences on my recovery advocacy and recovery research activities. I first met Don in the late 1990s as rumblings of a new addiction recovery advocacy movement in the United States were just…


Y12SR Yoga

Yoga of 12-Step Recovery: Teacher TrainingLearn how to support those in addiction recovery (and their loved ones) with a valuable resource for relapse prevention. Integrating the wisdom of yoga with the practical tools of 12-step methodology, Yoga of 12 Step Recovery provides a rich and powerful framework for reintegration with the self and with the…


Women and Alcohol

BUTLER CENTER FOR RESEARCH NOVEMBER 2017 – RESEARCH UPDATEResearch Update is published by the Butler Center for Research to share significant scientific findings from the field of addiction treatment research. With all of the recent attention focused on the opioid crisis, it is easy to overlook the fact that misuse of alcohol continues to be…
